
HFSS in 2025: preparing your business for the next restrictions

Clare Daley
October 21, 2024
5 min read
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HFSS in 2025: preparing your business for the next restrictions

No sooner have brands adapted to initial HFSS legislation, introduced in 2022, a new set of rules are about to come into force. Here’s an overview of the next HFSS laws that will apply from October 2025. 

Which HFSS laws are already in place? 

In October 2022, the UK government introduced rules restricting where HFSS products could be located in stores and online. This included: 

  • Store entrances
  • Aisle ends
  • Check out areas (including self-service checkouts) and queuing points 
  • Website/app homepages 
  • Product category landing pages
  • Shopping basket, order confirmation and payment pages 
  • Digital pop-up/banner adverts 

For further information on which categories and products were affected by this legislation, read our blog post on do your products fall under HFSS restrictions? 

What new HFSS regulations apply from October 2025? 

From 1st October 2025, HFSS legislation will expand to include limitations on the promotion of food and drink sales by volume. 

Here are some of the changes that will come into force: 

No more volume promotions on HFSS foods 

Multibuys and BOGOFS will be a thing of the past for HFSS products from October 2025, as the UK government clamps down on volume price promotions. 

Under the next update, any offer that encourages the purchase of HFSS foods in large quantities will be prohibited. This includes: 

  • Multibuy promotions such as 3 for the price of 2, 3 for £10 or buy 6 and save 25%
  • Promotions that indicate all or part of an item is free e.g. 50% extra free, 6 for the price of 4 or buy one get one free (BOGOF)
  • Any promotion of a specified HFSS food or drink with a non-HFSS item. For example, a free chocolate bar with a newspaper purchase 
  • Shoppers can’t earn extra loyalty points by purchasing multiple HFSS products 

Straightforward discounting promotions such as 50% off or save £1 are not included in the new HFSS restrictions – only deals where consumers benefit from purchasing in large volumes or quantities. 

Volume price promotions can also continue for non-HFSS products, for instance, 2 for 1 on sparkling water. Meal deals and party food platters are also exempt from the latest update. 

No ‘junk food’ advertising on TV before 9pm 

The next set of HFSS rules will also target exposure to high fat, salt and sugar products through television advertising. 

In September 2024, the UK government confirmed plans to restrict TV advertising for HFSS products until after 9pm from 1st October 2025. This new legislation affects both live television and on-demand programming services. 

There are already some restrictions on ‘junk food’ advertising during children’s TV programmes. However, this will extend to daytime and early evening shows that don’t target a younger audience. 

The new HFSS TV advertising rules will be monitored and regulated by Ofcom, the UK’s authority for broadcasting and telecommunications. 

No more influencer marketing for HFSS products 

In addition to mainstream television advertising, the UK government is restricting the promotion of HFSS products. This includes scenarios like: 

  • Limiting the paid promotion of HFSS products on social media 
  • Influencer promotions (both paid campaigns and gifted products) 

Unlike TV advertising restrictions, which will ease after 9pm, social media rules will apply around the clock. 

No more free refills on HFSS soft drinks 

Sugar-sweetened beverages that score one point or higher on the HFSS scoring system will fall under new hospitality regulations that prevent free refills in restaurants and out of home outlets from October 2025. 

The HFSS free refill rules will apply to any non-alcoholic prepared soft drinks with added sugar ingredients. In addition to still and sparkling soft drinks, the new legislation also includes sweetened juices and sweetened milk-based drinks with a sugar content above 4.5%, including milkshakes, pre-sweetened coffee and hot chocolate. 

Are food brands ready for the full impact of HFSS? 

With any new legislation, there’s a period of transition. Retailers have until 30th September 2026 to sell existing stock with promotions printed on the packaging – for example, a packet of biscuits already labelled 50% extra free. 

However, the government is encouraging retailers to invalidate offers by revising prices or stating that the on-pack promotion does not apply. 

And from 1st October 2025, food and drink brands will not be able to print new product packaging bearing non-compliant promotions. 

Get support with preparing for HFSS changes

If you’re unsure how 2025’s update will affect your company, or you need help getting your packaging and marketing ready for the latest industry regulations, Hooley Brown is here to help.

Get in touch for professional, expert support with ensuring your products are HFSS-ready. 

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